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TOP PAGE 〉Academic Programs 〉Aoyama Action Learning Courses
Aoyama Action Learning Courses
"Aoyama Action Learning" (AAL) courses plays a summarizing and comprehensive role in the Aoyama Business School (ABS) MBA program. There are eight courses thatfor second-year students can complete. These courses are hands-on learning experiences that link management theory with actual business practices.
AAL is designed to integrate the specialized knowledge of management previously acquired by the student with group work in management analysis and strategic decisions, providing students with creative abilities for pioneering new markets and the skills required for business success. Students also engage in practical collaborations with successful entrepreneurs and in academia-industry tie-ups. AAL thus fosters the creative business leaders needed in the contemporary world.
※The content is current as of the creation of this page.
- Management Games
- Business Planning
- Advanced Corporate Communications
- Business Analysis
- Marketing Planning Project
- SDGs & Community Marketing
- Social Innovation
※Click on a title to display details regarding the course.
Management Game
Management Game
Management simulations to compete with overseas MBA management programs.
Mock Board of Directors (BOD) Meetings: real experiences to acquire management practices.

In this course, four or five students form a group and run a "virtual" consumer financing company. A business simulation is performed jointly with students of MBA universities overseas, including Carnegie Mellon University and other top schools. The students thus gain experience in global competition. All materials are in English and communication occurs mainly via email and using the Web.
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overall understanding of corporate functions, including management, marketing, finances, accounting, and operations. The students experience real problems and issues faced by managers, developing their problem-solving skills. Such problems include, for example, management planning, presentations, and approvals at BOD meetings, risk management, team motivation, and information disclosure to shareholders.
Business Planning
Business Planning
Students gain experience in developing business ideas from their inception to the establishing business plans.
Acquiring the skills and knowledge required for startup businesses and establishing plans for their extension to new businesses.

Small groups will create highly feasible new business plans, perfecting them in order to be presented to venture capitalists and angel investors. Such dynamics will provide students with the ability to launch new business ventures within a company or on their own in a near future. A special focus will be given to the development of highly feasible business models and to management control for each development phase along with marketing strategies. Students will learn how to emphasize customers’the standpoints of customers and thus become able to create businesses to serve them. accordingly.Actual entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and investment angels will be invited to evaluate student proposals, igniting an entrepreneurial spirit in each student. This course focuses on the development of a highly feasible business model and on management skills for each development phase, with a further emphasis on marketing strategies. It aims to develop the ability to always emphasize the viewpoints of the customers and create businesses that will meet their goals and aims.
Advanced Corporate Communications
Advanced Corporate Communications
Learning public relations, financial policies, governance systems, and other key corporate communication functions and practices. Developing the abilities of a Corporate Communications Officer (CCO).

Role-playing and other useful methods will be used to help students develop the required skills to be a CCO of a corporation (here, mainly a CCO of an exchange-listed company) of a corporation. Specifically, the course goals are: (1) understanding public relations (PR) in a corporation; (2) understanding the investment analysis methods used by security analysts and institutional investors; (3) understanding investor relations (IR); (4) understanding the corporate social responsibilities (CSR) of corporate-related activities; (5) understanding the financial policies of a corporation; (6) understanding long-term improvement of corporate value (long-term management planning) and governance systems; (7) understanding corporate information disclosure (including integrated [consolidated] and annual reports) and; (8) understanding "soft law" disclosure policies. At the end, after experiencing and understanding these processes, teams will perform comprehensive summary presentations. The students thus experience:
Business Analysis
Business Analysis
Deepen knowledge of finance and accounting and learn company-analysis and evaluation methods.
Train professional fund managers.

The students will have simulated experiences in the creation of analytical reports and in the active management of Japanese stocks. Lectures will focus on improving the students’ abilities to conduct both financial and corporate strategy analyses. The students will also learn methods of company value assessment. In addition, by creating a portfolio, the students will also learn how to select stocks, the fundamentals of risk analysis for portfolio management, and methods of performance evaluation. For active management of Japanese stocks, the students will use the Poet software (kindly provided by the Daiwa Securities Group), which is a portfolio management tool used by institutional investors. Professionals in this field will evaluate monthly reports of investment performance. Students experience:
Marketing Planning Project
Marketing Planning Project
Through industry-academic collaboration, students will be trained in themes related to actual business issues and learn practical planning of relevant marketing strategies.
Acquiring the skills and knowledge required for startup businesses and establishing plans for their extension to new businesses.

n order to tackle actual marketing-related issues faced by real companies, such as branding, channel strategies, and communications policies, each team will perform surveys, make analyses, and propose structured solutions to their target companies. This process will start with a company-based orientation and with quantitative and qualitative surveys and analyses of customer needs. Then the students will use the products and services of their target companies and of competitors, and perform other fieldworks. In addition, the students will include related studies of prior cases and present their ideas through methods such as brainstorming, in order to adjust and improve their final concrete proposals.
At the end of the course, the students will make presentations to their target companies, which in turn will evaluate their proposals. It is possible that these companies actually adopt the students’ proposals, which reveals how seriously involved the companies are in the learning process and gives the course a strong sense of reality and a practical nature.
SDGs & Community Marketing
SDGs & Community Marketing
Develop the ability to comprehend the essence of SDGs-related activities and collaborate with various stakeholders, including government and business entities.

To achieve a sustainable society and environment by 2030, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) have been established in 17 categories that must be addressed at all levels of government, business, and individuals.
In this course, we will introduce the CBL (Community Based Learning) method, which is widely used in business schools worldwide, to enhance cooperation and interaction with companies, organizations, communities, and governments, as well as to create, communicate, and provide social values.
Throughout this course, students are expected to learn the essence of SDGs-related activities, envision their own, and acquire the ability to coordinate various stakeholders.
Social Innovation
Social Innovation
With a business mindset and entrepreneurial spirit, we take on the challenge of solving social issues.
While the line between social and business issues is becoming thinner with advances in SDGs, ESG, impact investing, etc., social business has challenges that are different from those of conventional business. In addressing a social issue, it is essential to be in the shoes of the parties involved, rethink the issue from a multi-stakeholder perspective, and look at its whole picture through systems thinking.