Mission and Strengths
An overview of the advantages and offerings of Aoyama Business School, which strives to be a business school leader both intellectually and emotionally
TOP PAGE 〉Academic Programs 〉Aoyama Action Learning Courses 〉Business Planning
Business Planning
Students gain experience in developing business ideas from their inception to the establishing business plans.
Acquiring the skills and knowledge required for startup businesses and establishing plans for their extension to new businesses.

Small groups will create highly feasible new business plans, perfecting them in order to be presented to venture capitalists and angel investors. Such dynamics will provide students with the ability to launch new business ventures within a company or on their own in a near future. A special focus will be given to the development of highly feasible business models and to management control for each development phase along with marketing strategies. Students will learn how to emphasize customers’the standpoints of customers and thus become able to create businesses to serve them. accordingly.Actual entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and investment angels will be invited to evaluate student proposals, igniting an entrepreneurial spirit in each student.
This course focuses on the development of a highly feasible business model and on management skills for each development phase, with a further emphasis on marketing strategies. It aims to develop the ability to always emphasize the viewpoints of the customers and create businesses that will meet their goals and aims.
The two main goals of this course are stated below.
- The skills required for venture business startups will be developed through a process that ranges from the creation of business ideas to the completion of business plans (this includes starting new businesses within a company as well as social entrepreneurship).
- Through the solicitation of plans and the preparation of presentations for business plan contests in Japan and overseas, presentation skills are improved and managerial abilities in guiding the efforts of groups and organizations to achieve targets and goals are developed.
What Students earn by completing this course
- The development of an entrepreneurial mindset.
- Abilities to establish business plans and perform reviews. Future roles for the students: Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders