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TOP PAGE 〉Academic Programs 〉Aoyama Action Learning Courses 〉Business Analysis
Business Analysis
Deepen knowledge of finance and accounting and learn company-analysis and evaluation methods.
Train professional fund managers.

The students will have simulated experiences in the creation of analytical reports and in the active management of Japanese stocks. Lectures will focus on improving the students’ abilities to conduct both financial and corporate strategy analyses. The students will also learn methods of company value assessment. In addition, by creating a portfolio, the students will also learn how to select stocks, the fundamentals of risk analysis for portfolio management, and methods of performance evaluation. For active management of Japanese stocks, the students will use the Poet software (kindly provided by the Daiwa Securities Group), which is a portfolio management tool used by institutional investors. Professionals in this field will evaluate monthly reports of investment performance. Students experience:
What Students earn by completing this course
- Students will understand financial statements and use them in forecasting business results.
- Understanding and practice of finance theory.
- Knowledge of management strategies.
- Real corporate evaluations.
- Understanding of economic movements through markets.
- Concepts and reality of risk management.
- Understanding of economic movements through markets.Statistical methods.