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International Accreditation
EFMD Accredited MBA

In February 2022, the ABS MBA program was accredited as a world-class business education program by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD, headquartered in Belgium), an international accreditation body for business education. Currently, only 133 schools worldwide offer EFMD Accredited MBAs, and this is the second school in Japan to receive this accreditation. After receiving this accreditation, the program will continue to undergo audits and is expected to further improve the quality of its programs and exchanges with overseas business schools.
ABS Excellence as evaluated by EFMD
- Appealing programs that meet the needs of society and current trends
- Education policy centered on ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability
- Enthusiastic, prompt, and ongoing program management
- Faculty united in providing an optimal learning environment
- Extensive formal and informal support from faculty to students
- IT platform for online learning and new educational methods
- About the EFMD Accredited MBA
The EFMD Accredited MBA is an accreditation of MBA programs at business schools by the international accreditation organization EFMD. The 76 categories are evaluated by a panel of multinational experts through document review and on-site inspections regarding such as factors as the MBA program's international nature, ethics, social responsibility, sustainability, relationships with the business community, program design, program operation, graduate success, and quality of teaching and research. Based on these evaluations, the final decision will be made by the EFMD's review committee, which is composed of MBA business schools and business professionals from over 10 countries.

In March 2019, the ABS MBA program underwent a continuing accreditation review by the Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization (ABEST21, headquartered in Japan), an international accrediting body for business schools, and was granted the highest possible rating--being an outstanding educational program and fulfilling most or all of the accreditation criteria with few issues for improvement, and sufficient potential to maintain and improve the quality of its education and research.
※ABEST21 (The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization) is an accreditation organization with 78 member business schools worldwide (as of November 2013).