
「SDGsコミュニティ・マーケティング」の活動報告:2024年度「SDGsコミュニティ・マーケティング」は、株式会社ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH(プレイアース)事業と連携し、SDGsコミュニティ活動の戦略と具体的施策を提案

担当:宮副 謙司教授

青山学院大学大学院国際マネジメント研究科(青山ビジネススクール:ABS)の代表的なアクションラーニング科目のひとつである「SDGsコミュニティ・マーケティング」(担当:宮副謙司教授)では、今年度の産学連携先の一つとして、株式会社ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH(プレイアース)事業と連携し、受講学生がその事業部門のSDGsコミュニティ活動の戦略と具体的施策を構想策定し提案しました。




ゴールドウイン/PLAY EARTH事業メンバーと受講学生(同社担当のメンバー)

ゴールドウイン/PLAY EARTH事業メンバーと受講学生(同社担当のメンバー)

ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH事業メンバーの授業内講演

ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH事業メンバーの授業内講演

ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH事業のSDGs活動の一例

ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH事業のSDGs活動の一例







Report on Aoyama Action Learning "SDGs Community Marketing"
"SDGs Community Marketing" in FY2024: Proposing Strategies and Concrete Measures for SDGs Community Activities in Collaboration with Goldwin Inc.

Taught by Professor Kenshi Miyazoe

In the "SDGs Community Marketing" course led by Professor Kenshi Miyazoe, one of the representative action learning courses at the Graduate School of International Management at Aoyama Gakuin University (Aoyama Business School: ABS), students collaborated with Goldwin Inc.'s PLAY EARTH project as one of this year's industry-academia partners. The students developed and proposed strategies and specific measures for the SDGs community activities of the PLAY EARTH project.

The course began with a presentation from Goldwin Inc. on the basic concepts and key issues related to their SDGs initiatives. The students then engaged in several weeks of group work based on the exercise themes presented during the company's presentation. This work included research on the current situation based on the SDGs framework, the development of strategic concepts, and more. The course concluded with the students presenting their proposals to the company’s senior management at the end of the term.

The students' plan, focused on SDGs in the fashion sector, proposed SDGs community activities aimed at enhancing the new lifestyles of children and families, the target customers of the business, from the perspective of the circular economy. This proposal was well-received by the company.

To the Goldwin/PLAY EARTH business group:
Thank you very much for supporting our educational research through this industry-academia collaboration. We would be honored if you could incorporate the students' proposed measures into your future corporate activities. We look forward to your continued cooperation.

ゴールドウイン/PLAY EARTH事業メンバーと受講学生(同社担当のメンバー)

ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH事業メンバーの授業内講演

ゴールドウインPLAY EARTH事業のSDGs活動の一例



