


菅野 香奈さん(2023年度イブニングコース入学)

菅野 香奈さん












Gaining Practical Insights Through Learning Design Thinking

Marketing Planning Project, KANNO Kana, Enrollment for the 2023 Academic Year, Evening Course

Why I Enrolled in This Module

Throughout my experience in corporate planning and new business development, I have been deeply interested in organizational growth strategies and operational improvements. As I sought ways to approach challenges from a broader perspective and create sustainable value, I became increasingly drawn to design thinking.
Design thinking redefines problems by focusing on user experience and value creation, ultimately leading to innovative solutions. Unlike traditional logical thinking and financial analysis, it provides a more multifaceted approach to problem-solving. With this in mind, I enrolled in this module to explore how design thinking could enhance my ability to develop effective and sustainable strategies.

What I Have Learned From This Module

Our team proposed a product that provides real-time congestion information for commuter trains to encourage behavioral change among passengers. Through multiple user interviews, we uncovered an insight that went beyond the simple desire for a more comfortable commute. Rather than just avoiding congestion, users expressed a deeper need: "to travel joyfully, surrounded by vibrant colors and smiling faces." This realization made us understand that improving convenience alone was not enough; people sought to transform their commute into a pleasant experience. It became clear that identifying the underlying motivations behind users’ words is crucial in framing the right questions for problem-solving.
However, as the project progressed, a corporate-driven perspective dominated, leaving insufficient room for user and third-party viewpoints. Co-creation, at its core, involves multiple stakeholders working collaboratively on equal footing to generate new value. Yet, in this case, the process remained largely confined within the company’s framework, resulting in a one-sided approach. Had we engaged with a more diverse group of stakeholders and considered the broader ecosystem, we might have developed a more sustainable solution.
Additionally, in the latter half of the project, prioritizing efficiency led to a dilution of the initial insight. While we initially identified users’ desire to "enjoy their journey," the focus gradually narrowed to "providing information to reduce congestion." This shift constrained the range of possible ideas. This experience reinforced the difficulty of balancing creativity with feasibility and highlighted how the way a question is framed significantly influences the direction of a solution.

How I Plan to Utilize What I Learned in the Future

Through my experience in the MPP program, I have come to recognize the importance of integrating a user-centered perspective into practical business applications to create sustainable value. Whether in business process improvement or new service development, success is not merely about increasing efficiency; it lies in deeply understanding users’ true needs and translating them into tangible solutions. By leveraging design thinking methodologies, I aim to delve deeper into user insights and enhance the value of businesses and services.
Moreover, I have learned the necessity of collaboration beyond organizational and industry boundaries. Instead of viewing issues solely through the lens of individual companies or departments, considering the broader ecosystem and working with diverse stakeholders can create greater value. When tackling challenges, I intend to maintain a broad perspective and build systems that enable mutual value creation through collaboration.
Additionally, I have reaffirmed the importance of embracing creativity rather than focusing solely on short-term outcomes. While operational efficiency is crucial, allowing space for flexible thinking fosters the emergence of new ideas and innovation. Moving forward, I plan to apply the design thinking approach I gained from MPP to continuously refine my thought process and contribute to the development of better businesses and services.
