







Professor Charlie Chen

Appalachian State University Business School, USA, accredited by AACSB

International Management Seminar

On 15 December 2023, Professor Charlie Chen (Appalachian State University Business School, USA, accredited by AACSB) gave a lecture titled as 'Sustainable Supply Chains and AI' at the 'International Management Seminar' (in charge: Prof. Takamichi Hosoda),

The lecture started with a review of fundamental issues such as ESG and SDGs, followed by a lecture on recent topics in supply chain management in general, and then moved on to sustainable supply chains and AI.
During his presentation, student opinions were visualised using various apps. In the second half, the students were divided into groups and asked to analysed actual companies from an ESG perspective before using AI to create a two-dimensional representation of the company's initiatives.

Despite the fast pace of the presentation, many students were so engrossed in the energetic speech of Professor Chen and were able to learn and experience a lot in the short time of about 100 minutes. ABS is preparing to a similar lecture next year.

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