
在学生の相原 嘉夫さんが今度は「Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2024」を受賞

青山学院大学大学院国際マネジメント研究科(青山ビジネススクール:ABS)の相原 嘉夫さんが、昨年のForbes JAPAN誌が発表した世界を変える30歳未満日本人「30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2023」選出に引き続き、Forbes誌によるForbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2024」のCONSUMER TECHNOLOGY部門に選出されました。

「Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia」は、世界77カ国で44のローカル版を発行する経済誌『Forbes』が、アジア太平洋地域を対象に、アートやテクノロジー、教育、メディアなど様々なカテゴリーから次世代を担う30歳未満の人材を毎年選出し、表彰するアワードです。

相原さんが代表を務めるIVA株式会社は、AIよる国内シェアNo.1の真贋鑑定サービス「フェイクバスターズ」を運営しており、昨年発表された「Forbes 30 Under 30 Japan 2023」に続いて、2年連続でのステップアップ受賞となりました。


Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia

相原 嘉夫さん

Yoshio Aihara has been awarded another; Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2024 award.

Yoshio Aihara, a graduate student at Aoyama Gakuin University's Graduate School of International Management (Aoyama Business School: ABS), has been selected by Forbes magazine in the CONSUMER TECHNOLOGY category for Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2024, following last year's Forbes 30 Under 30 JAPAN 2023 selection of Japanese under 30 years old who are changing the world.

Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia is an annual award by Forbes, an economic magazine that publishes 44 local editions in 77 countries around the world, to recognise the next generation of under-30s in various categories such as arts, technology, education, and media in the Asia-Pacific region.

IVA Corporation, of which Yoshio is the CEO, operates Fake Busters, the country's No.1 share of the authenticity and forgery identification service based on AI, and was awarded for the second year in a row, following the Forbes 30 Under 30 Japan 2023 announced last year.

The company appraises trainers, apparel, brand bags, trading cards and other items using an appraisal team with diverse backgrounds, state-of-the-art specialist equipment and AI appraisal technology, and the total number of appraisals has exceeded 1.5 million. In addition to requests from individual customers, appraisals are carried out in cooperation with many companies such as Mercari and Book-Off. We support the reuse market by preventing the handling of counterfeit goods and promote businesses that contribute to the SDGs.

▼For more information, click here.
Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia
IVA Co., Ltd.

Yoshio Aihara