Mission and Strengths

An overview of the advantages and offerings of Aoyama Business School, which strives to be a business school leader both intellectually and emotionally

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Three Policies

ABS is eager to accept highly-motivated students who aim to achieve their dreams in business. Specifically, we expect to admit students who possess the following abilities and motivation.

The International Management Major (Technical Degree Program) aims to develop:

  • Creative leaders who fulfill their social responsibilities and serve as global citizens.

Graduation Policy

  • Knowledge and Skills
    • Understanding of the principal management functions of a company.
    • Acquisition of basic theories and fundamental concepts of international management.
  • Thinking, Judgment, and Expressive Capacity
    • Acquisition of problem identification and problem-solving skills in the field of international management.
    • Acquisition of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods required for international management.
    • Acquisition of communication skills in the field of international management.
  • Motivation, Interst and Attitude
    • Acquisition of business ethics and a global perspective.
    • Acquisition of leadership skills required for international management.

Curriculum Policy

  • Knowledge and Skills
    • To provide instruction in basic theories and fundamental concepts related to international management.
    • To provide students with an understanding of the principal management functions of a company.
  • Thinking, Judgment, and Expressive Capacity
    • To provide instruction on the quantitative and qualitative methods required to develop problem-identification and problem-solving skills in international management.
  • Motivation, Interst and Attitude
    • To provide guidance in developing business ethics and a global perspective.

Admission Policy

  • Knowledge and Skills
    • Possessing the education and basic knowledge to study international management.
  • Thinking, Judgment, and Expressive Capacity
    • Possessing the ability to define and solve one’s own business issues.
    • Possessing the ability to think logically.
    • Possessing the ability to express one's own intentions accurately.
    • Possessing the ability to develop business with an abundance of creativity.
  • Motivation, Interst and Attitude
    • Possessing the desire to do business with a global perspective.
    • Possessing the desire to fulfill one's responsibilities as a business person.
    • Possessing the desire to serve as a leader in the organization.

The International Management Science Major (doctoral program) aims to develop:

  • Creative researchers in the field of international management who are socially responsible and act as global citizens

Diploma Policy

  • Knowledge and Skills
    • Acquisition of advanced theories and case studies related to the specialized field of international management.
  • Thinking, Judgment, and Expressive Capacity
    • Possessing the ability to set original and advanced research themes in the field of international management.
    • Acquisition of advanced analytical skills required for international management research.
    • Acquisition of communication skills required for international management research.
  • Motivation, Interst and Attitude
    • Acquisition of business ethics and a global perspective required for international management research.

Curriculum Policy

  • Knowledge and Skills
    • To provide instruction in advanced theories and case studies related to the specialized field of international management.
  • Thinking, Judgment, and Expressive Capacity
    • To provide instruction in quantitative and qualitative methods necessary for problem-defining and problem-solving skills in international management.
    • To provide guidance on acquiring the skills required for international management research.
    • To provide guidance on acquiring the communication skills required for international management research.
  • Motivation, Interst and Attitude
    • To provide guidance on acquiring the ethics of a researcher and a global perspective.

Admission Policy

  • Knowledge and Skills
    • Possessing the education and basic knowledge to study international management.
  • Thinking, Judgment, and Expressive Capacity
    • Possessing the ability to define and solve one's own research issues.
    • Possessing the ability to think logically.
    • Possessing the ability to express one's own intentions accurately.
    • Possessing the ability to conduct research with an abundance of creativity.
  • Motivation, Interst and Attitude
    • Possessing the desire to conduct research from a global perspective.
    • Possessing the desire to fulfill one's responsibilities as a researcher.
    • Possessing the desire to serve as a leader in an organization.