Mission and Strengths

An overview of the advantages and offerings of Aoyama Business School, which strives to be a business school leader both intellectually and emotionally

TOP PAGEAcademic ProgramsAoyama Action Learning Courses 〉Finance & Technology

Finance & Technology

Understand the current state of finance-related technologies (artificial intelligence, block chains, etc.) and challenge future developments in this field.

The so-called "4th Industrial Revolution" is advancing through computer technology. This wave of innovation is causing a breakdown in the existing industrial structure. This applies to finance divisions: every day, newspapers use the term "FinTech" in their reporting, revealing a merger of finance with technology. New businesses and existing financial institutions compete in order to provide the best new financial services.

A business school dedicated to training business managers must be able to bring these technological innovations to its students. Although these students are not trained as technicians, they must understand such trends in technological innovation to become capable of establishing long-term management policies, as well as conducting effective short-term business operations on a daily basis. The goal of this course is to train business managers to effectively utilize the continually evolving technological innovations.

This course is offered only in the second half of the academic year. Therefore, it is highly recommended to complete the finance and accounting practice courses during the first half of the year to prepare for this course.

What Students earn by completing this course

Students will develop the skills required to launch and complete FinTech-related projects by cooperating with technical personnel.